How To Install Current How To Install Current

How To Install Current

Minimal Audio Support Minimal Audio Support

Download The Installer

To access the most up-to-date installers, please log in to your user account and open the My products page. From there, locate Current and download the relevant installer for your operating system.

Note that when connected to the internet, Current will notify you if a new update is available and you can choose to download it directly from the plug-in.


Quit Your DAW

Before installing, make sure to save and quit any projects that are currently open. This is required for the update to work properly.


Install Current

Open the installer, which will be named either Current.pkg (macOS) or Current.exe (Windows).

The installer will guide you through the necessary steps for installation. You can choose to install VST2, VST3, AU (macOS), and AAX (Pro Tools) plug-in formats.


Open Your DAW

Once the installation is complete, open your DAW and locate Current in your audio plug-ins folder.

Note that sometimes restarting your computer is required before the plug-in will show up. If the issue persists, look into options for rescanning plug-ins in your DAW, or contact our support team for further assistance.

Each DAW is different. For more information on loading plug-ins, reference your DAW’s manual.

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