Current’s granular engine allows for the complete transformation of samples into new textures, sequences, rhythms, and more.
Granular processing breaks a sound into smaller pieces, known as grains, and enables you to rearrange and manipulate them in ways that would otherwise be impossible.
Load any sample from the Stream directly into the granular sampler or process sounds from your own library. The grains in various ways, allowing you to create granular sequences, massive clouds, stutter effects, and more.
1. Granular Controls
POSITION: Set the primary playback position where grains will be generated.
SPRAY: Adjust the amount of randomization that is applied to the playhead of each grain when it starts playing.
SPEED: Set the playback speed for the sample. A value of 100% will preserve the original timing. Higher values will play the sample faster, and lower values will play it slower, all the way down to 0%, where the playback will freeze.
SPEED SYNC: When activated, SPEED will be synced to an even ratio. Note that this will only synchronize the sample to the DAW’s timeline if the BPM of the sample matches that of your project.
LAYER SPAN: Adjust the spacing between the playheads of each individual grain layer.
BIPOLAR SPAN: When activated, the SPAN playheads will be evenly spaced around the primary playhead, which is determined by its position.
STEREO OFFSET: Adjust the offset between the left and right playheads.
This can be used to create a variety of interesting stereo effects.
OFFSET SYNC: When activated, the OFFSET time will sync to the current BPM.
RATE: Set the amount of time between when groups of grain layers are triggered.
- FREE: Set the rate in seconds.
- SYNC: Set the rate as a division of the current BPM. This is useful for synced looping and stutter-like effects.
- KEY: In this mode, the grain rate will track currently playing notes with a semitone offset determined by RATE. This can be used to preserve the tonality of the sample as you play different notes.
GRAIN SIZE: Set the length of each grain window as a percentage of the current RATE setting.
FILTER MODE: Select a basic filter type that the sampler will be sent through.
FILTER CUTOFF: Set the cutoff frequency for the filter.
2. Display Controls
GRAIN LAYERS: Set the number of grains that will be generated within the amount of time determined by RATE. This can be used to create very dense textures, and grain "sequences" when combined with different layer patterns. Note that higher settings will require more CPU.
LAYER PATTERN: Choose how the grain layers will be played back within the amount of time determined by RATE. These modes will produce a variety of effects depending on the RATE and SIZE settings, ranging from random clouds to dense stabs and undulating waves of granular goodness.
ROOT NOTE: Set the current sample's root note to ensure that it accurately tracks notes on the keyboard. This setting is automatically configured when loading samples downloaded from the STREAM.
OCTAVE: Transpose the tuning of the wavetable oscillator by one or more octaves.
TUNING MODE: This section explains how to set the tuning of the wavetable oscillator.
- KEY: This option provides standard key tracking behavior with variable semitone offset.
- FIXED: This option forces the wavetable oscillator to be tuned to a specific note, regardless of the notes played on the keyboard.
- RATIO: This option allows you to shift the tuning up or down by multiplying or dividing it by a whole number ratio. It is particularly useful for FM synthesis and creating layers based on the harmonic series.
- SCALE: Lock the tuning to the root note of the currently selected scale. Notes on the keyboard will be ignored, and the tuning will be transposed when the scale changes.
SEMITONE (KEY TUNING): Transpose the tuning of the wavetable oscillator in semitones.
FIXED NOTE (FIXED TUNING): Set the fixed note for the wavetable oscillator, which will remain constant regardless of the notes played on the keyboard.
TUNING RATIO (RATIO TUNING): Set the tuning of the wavetable oscillator by multiplying or dividing its current frequency with a whole number ratio.
SCALE TUNING INTERVAL (SCALE TUNING): Set the fixed tuning interval relative to the currently selected scale to the right of the keyboard.
PUNCH: When active, the first grain of each new note will have an immediate onset, bypassing the rising slope of the current grain's shape. This is useful for preserving transients and allows you to control the entire attack portion of your sound with an envelope, similar to what you would do with a standard sampler.
PLAYBACK MODE: Choose how the sample will play back when triggered:
- FREE: This mode allows you to scrub freely through the sample using the POSITION control, and the play heads will loop.
- ONE-SHOT: Play through the sample once and then stop.
- LOOP →: Play through the sample and loop.
- LOOP → ←: Play through the sample and loop back and forth.
SAMPLE REVERSE: Reverse the current sample.
GRAIN DIRECTION: Choose the playback direction for each grain's playhead.
SAMPLE GAIN: Apply additional gain to the sample. This can be useful for matching the sample's level to the rest of your patch without having to use the LEVEL control.
3. Additional Controls
GRAIN SHAPE: Adjust the shape of the grain window.
GRAIN SHAPE SKEW: Adjust how the grain shape is distributed between the start and end of the grain.
PITCH: Adjust the pitch of the wavetable oscillator in semitones.
FINE: Adjust the pitch of the wavetable oscillator in cents.
PAN: Adjust the panning of the wavetable oscillator.
LEVEL: Adjust the gain of the wavetable oscillator.