Minimal Audio plugins currently do not support internal MIDI mapping. However, you can assign MIDI to nearly all plugin controls using the native MIDI mapping features available in major DAWs.
We recommend the following steps for the listed applications. For more detailed instructions, please consult your DAW’s manual.
Ableton Live
- Turn MIDI map mode on: Mac: Command + m, Windows: Ctrl + m.
- Select a parameter inside of Current that you wish to map, e.g. click on a volume slider.
- Move a knob or slider on your controller. The controls are now mapped. You will see that this new MIDI mapping is now listed in the Mapping Browser.
- Repeat for the remaining controls you want to map.
- Exit MIDI map mode.
For a detailed information on MIDI Control, visit Ableton's MIDI and Key Remote Control.
Logic Pro X
- Press “X” on your keyboard to bring up the Mixer window in Logic.
- Press “COMMAND + L” to open the “Controller Assignments” window.
- In the top-left corner, select “Expert View”
- Click “Learn Mode” from the bottom-right corner to begin assigning tasks.
- Once you've enabled Learn Mode, click on a parameter inside of Current that you wish to map. You'll see the parameter appear under the "Parameter" column.
- Now, once you move the fader/knob on your controller, the message should change to "Learned".
- Repeat for the remaining controls you want to map.
- Click "Learn Mode" again to disable it.
For more information on connecting MIDI Controller to Logic Pro X, visit Connect MIDI devices to use with Logic Pro for Mac.
- Click the hand icon in the bottom right in Bitwig Studio to open the Mapping Panel.
- When it's open you are in mapping mode and all mappable parameters will be colored green.
- Click on any parameter inside of Current that you want to map, then move a hardware control to assign it.
- The Mapping Panel has advanced settings like range for each individual assigned control.
- Repeat for the remaining controls you want to map.
Note, mappings made in the Mapping Panel are stored per project.
For more information on connecting your controller to Bitwig, visit Bitwig's Official Tutorial.
FL Studio
There are two methods; Prefer 'Last tweaked control' unless that does not work then use the 'Browser' method. Note that not all plugins support the 'Last tweaked control' method. Both methods establish a link.
Last tweaked control:
- Start the link: Click the Multilink Controllers icon (Ctrl+J), which will highlight with a color.
- Adjust the target: Move a parameter inside of Current's interface with your mouse. You should see the parameter's name briefly appear above the Multilink Controllers icon.
- Optional - To use the Remote control settings to modify the link, Right-Click the Multilink controllers switch and select 'Link to controller', then:
- Make the link/s - Move the knobs/sliders on your controller you want to link. The links will be made in the same order the software targets were tweaked. The process will auto-close once the number of hardware controls tweaked equals the number of software targets.
- Repeat for the remaining controls you want to map.
Alternatively, use the Tools > Last tweaked > Link to controller option after tweaking a control.
- Start the link: Click the Multilink Controllers icon (Ctrl+J), which will highlight with a color.
- Browser - From the Browser > Current project > Generator / Effects folder, locate the Plugin and click it. This will open the list of automatable parameters. Click the desired target/s ( a parameter inside of Current). You should see the targets names momentarily appear above the Multilink controllers switch.
- Make the link/s - Move the knobs/sliders you want to link to the software targets. The links will be made in the same order the software targets were tweaked. The process will auto-close once the number of hardware controls tweaked equals the number of software targets.
- Repeat for the remaining controls you want to map.
For more information on create VST link in FL Studio, visit Linking & Using External Hardware Controllers.
Other common DAWs MIDI Mapping Guide: