Wave Shifter Wave Shifter

Wave Shifter

Minimal Audio Support Minimal Audio Support


Wave Shifter offers frequency shifting, ring modulation, and amp modulation effects that modulate the input signal, generating new harmonics and inharmonic sidebands. It includes controls typically found in synthesizers, such as FM and soft sync, enabling the creation of unique harmonic distortion effects. The built-in modulation can produce classic sweeping effects, rhythmic movement, and even random modulation.

Both the standalone plugin and effect rack versions include presets that range from lush ambiance to spatial sound effects.



1. Frequency & FM Controls

FREQUENCY: Set the frequency of the internal oscillator based on the current STYLE setting. For frequency shifting, you’ll get clear positive or negative shifts. With ring mod and amp mod, the internal oscillator will start cycling backward when negative.

FREQUENCY MODE: Select the range of the FREQUENCY knob.

  • FAST: Audio rate frequency settings in Hz.
  • TUNED: Set the frequency using MIDI notes.
  • SLOW: Low frequency settings in Hz.
  • BPM: Set the frequency using BPM synced values.

SOFT SYNC: When active, the internal oscillator responds to the input signal’s polarity, creating unique harmonic distortion, especially at higher FREQUENCY settings.

STEREO: Adjust the stereo phase offset of the internal oscillators. This effect is particularly noticeable with slower FREQUENCY settings.

SPREAD: Adjust the relative frequencies of the internal oscillators to create stereo shifting effects. Positive values gradually increase the right frequency and lower the left frequency. Negative values have the opposite effect.

FM SOURCE: Select a signal that will be used to modulate the internal oscillator's frequency. These options included different oscillator types, noise, and the input or output signals.

FM RATIO: Adjust the FM SOURCE frequency as a ratio of the current FREQUENCY setting.

FM FILTER: Adjust the amount of low-pass filtering applied to the FM SOURCE.

FM AMOUNT: Set the amount of frequency modulation applied to the internal oscillators.


2. Display Controls


  • FREQ SHIFT: Adds or subtracts frequencies equally across the spectrum.
  • RING MOD: Multiplies the input signal with an internal oscillator, generating sidebands above and below the input frequency, while removing the original signal.
  • AMP MOD: Similar to RING MOD, but retains the original signal.

STEREO MODE: Choose between STEREO and MID-SIDE modes.


3. Modulation

MODULATION DEPTH: Adjust the amount of internal modulation that is applied to the phaser. Setting this to 0% will enable manual control over the modulated parameters.

RATE: Adjust the LFO RATE.

RATE SYNC: Enable BPM sync for the LFO RATE.

SHAPE SNAP: Enable snapping between LFO shapes. When disabled, the LFO shapes are continuously morphed.

LFO SHAPE: Choose from sine, triangle, downward ramp, or square LFO shapes. With SNAP off, these shapes can be continuously morphed.

LFO RANDOMIZE: Adjust the amount of LFO randomization. Note that each waveform randomizes in a unique way. 

STEREO RANDOMIZE: When active, separate randomization will be applied to each of the LFO's stereo channels, resulting in a wider effect.

STEREO OFFSET: Set the phase offset between the stereo outputs of the LFO. A phase shift of 0° will result in mono signal, while a phase shift of + / - 180° will produce perfectly out-of-phase waveforms. A 90° offset is often desired in phasers and similar effects, resulting a "quadrature" phase.


4. Feedback & Filter

FEEDBACK AMOUNT: Set the amount of the shifted output signal that will be fed back into the input. Note that values over 100% can get out of control, depending on the filter settings and input signal.

FEEDBACK TIME: Set the feedback delay time in either seconds or BPM-synced values. A zero delay time creates precise resonances, while longer times transition from comb filtering to delay effects.

CROSSFEEDBACK: Adjust how much of one stereo channel's feedback is sent into the other channel and vice versa.

FEEDBACK SYNC: Sync the feedback time to the current BPM.

FILTER FREQUENCY: Set the center frequency for the bandpass filter applied to the feedback signal.

FILTER WIDTH: Adjust the width of the bandpass filter applied to the feedback signal.


5. Utility Controls

INPUT GAIN: Adjusts the gain sent into the effect.

INPUT SEND BUTTON: When active, the input gain will only affect the signal being sent to the effect, leaving the dry signal unaffected. Try combining this with automation or modulation to send only specific parts of your input through the effect.

Try combining this with automation or modulation to send only certain parts of your input through the effect.

DRY WET: Adjusts the balance between the processed (wet) signal and the unprocessed (dry) signal.

OUTPUT GAIN: Adjusts the gain at the end of the effect's processing chain, useful for compensating gain changes or adding creative effects.

OUTPUT SOFT CLIP: Enables a soft-clipping "glue" limiter that prevents output levels from exceeding 0 dB, with the following modes:

  • OFF: Limiter is disabled.
  • PURPLE: Gentle limiting and saturation, useful for preventing overs while keeping a smoother sound.
  • ORANGE: Punchy soft clipping, ideal for more aggressive sounds.


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